Study in America, live... wherever you want | Schiller International University Skip to main content Skip to footer

Hey, you! You who were born in the digital era and are ready to conquer the world. If you're looking for a unique university experience that allows you to study in America and live wherever you want, then Schiller International University is a priceless choice for you.

At Schiller, we're here to help you achieve your academic and personal dreams by providing you with a world-class education in a multicultural and global environment. And the most exciting part? We have campuses in four of the most sought-after countries for studying abroad! That's right, not only will you study in America, but you'll also have the opportunity to live and immerse yourself in other fascinating cultures.

Do you want to know all the benefits this entails? Keep reading and discover why studying at Schiller International University will open up a world full of opportunities.

Campuses in Spain, USA, France, and Germany 

Imagine starting your studies at one of our campuses and then having the flexibility to move to another country to continue your academic adventure. Imagine the possibility of studying in America, enjoying its vibrant culture, academic opportunities, and innovative approach, but wherever in the world that you desire.

And now, make it a reality: our campuses are located in Madrid, Tampa, Paris, and Heidelberg– four strategically chosen destinations known for their rich history, art, gastronomy, cultural diversity, and, above all, their robust job market and entrepreneurial potential. This will provide you with a truly unique experience and help you develop your adaptability, independence, and resilience skills.

You'll have the freedom to choose where you live and study during your university experience, with the guarantee of meeting the highest standards of American education. Do you love the lively city life of cosmopolitan places like Tampa or Madrid? Would you prefer to immerse yourself in the bohemian charm of Paris or the efficiency and quality of life in Berlin? The choice is yours!

A borderless global education  

At Schiller International University, we believe in the importance of a borderless global education. Our educational approach offers you the opportunity to acquire solid academic knowledge while developing a global mindset. You won't be limited to a single culture or perspective; instead, you'll immerse yourself in a multicultural environment that will enrich your university experience and prepare you for a successful international career.

Imagine the advantage of being able to combine the best of both worlds: a globally recognized American education and the opportunity to live and learn in different countries. This will provide you with an invaluable global perspective, intercultural skills, and an international network that will be crucial for your professional success in the future.

An accredited education that opens doors worldwide  

At Schiller International University, we understand the importance of a quality education that is recognized worldwide. That's why our degrees are accredited in America, ensuring you have a solid and internationally recognized foundation.

Moreover, the possibility of obtaining an accredited* dual degree (*ACCSC) gives you a competitive advantage in the global job market. In addition, you'll be able to obtain a European diploma by completing just one single curriculum, expanding your professional opportunities in Europe and beyond.

Not only will you study at a renowned American university, but you'll also gain a global perspective and academic training that will prepare you for the challenges of today's job market, guaranteeing you the possibility to work and thrive wherever you desire.

Experiential education and global employability  

At Schiller International University, we believe that education goes beyond the classroom. Our educational approach is based on hands-on experience and providing you with the necessary tools to excel in the global job market. That's why we have chosen a 100% experiential, practical education based on the American methodology.

We not only provide you with a quality education but also prepare you to succeed in the global professional field.

  • Experiential learning is an integral part of our methodology. You won't just learn theory; we will challenge you to face real-life situations and apply your knowledge in collaboration with international companies and experts. This experience will allow you to develop practical skills, think critically, and find innovative solutions to real-world challenges.
  • We offer exclusive access to internships, scholarships, and career guidance programs through our industry partnerships. This gives you the opportunity to gain relevant work experience while you are still a student, providing you with a competitive edge when entering the job market. Our goal is to prepare you for a successful career in today's globalized work landscape.
  • Our international network and recognized academic reputation will open doors for you worldwideGlobal employability is one of the fundamental pillars of our university, and we strive to provide you with the necessary tools and resources to achieve success anywhere in the world. 

Get ready to stand out in the global job market and build a successful career!

Study wherever you want, and get ready to conquer the world  

The new generations have arrived with a fresh and brave vision to conquer and change the world. They are more open, conscious, global, and diverse than ever before. They have the desire to make a difference and leave a mark in a world that needs transformation.

At Schiller International University, we understand and celebrate this bold and entrepreneurial mindset of the new generations. We believe in your potential and we're here to be your companion on this journey towards the realization of your dreams and goals.

Our university not only provides you with a quality education and prepares you for a global career but also values your individuality and supports you in your pursuit of impact and change. Here, you'll find a diverse and multicultural community that will inspire you and challenge you to broaden your horizons, think critically, and embrace the diversity of ideas and perspectives.

We invite you to join a global community of bright and passionate minds who share your vision of a better world. Together, we can challenge norms, promote positive change, and make a lasting difference in society.

Ready to study in America and live in the place you've always dreamed of? The adventure awaits! Join us and be part of the generation that changes the world!

Schiller University partner for dual degrees: University of Roehampton London Logo
ACCSC Accreditation Logo
Comunidad de Madrid Accreditation Logo
evalag Accreditation Logo

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