Global Mindset under review: definition and concept | Schiller International University Skip to main content Skip to footer

The world we live in is rapidly changing, borders between territories are becoming increasingly blurred, and connections between countries are rapidly growing stronger. Globalization is a reality. 

And today's professionals must be able to adapt to this new context, to broaden their perspective and their view of the world in order to understand and deal with it from an intercultural perspective. In other words, they must have a truly global mindset

Because only those who cultivate this global mindset will be able to develop into successful leaders. Companies know this and it's something they already demand from their employees. 

What is a global mindset?

There are various definitions of this concept and they all have something in common: contact with different cultures, people, and markets helps us to have a deeper understanding of the world, and it also helps us to adapt better to change, make better decisions, and be able to solve problems more effectively.

One definition, for example, comes from the global newspaper the Financial Times, which describes a global mindset as a combination of an"openness to and awareness of diversity across cultures and markets with a propensity and ability to see common patterns across countries and markets." And we couldn't agree more.

But if we at Schiller International University had to choose one explanation of this concept, it would undoubtedly be that of Dr. Gary Ranker. Considered by Forbes magazine to be among the top five best executive coaches, he is one of the pioneers of the coaching profession. So much so that he has trained some of the world's greatest leaders. 

For Dr. Ranker, a global mindset "is the ability to step outside one's base culture and to understand there is no universally correct way to do things". It means reaching beyond one's comfort zone and feeling comfortable anywhere; adapting and understanding how to act in each environment, country, or market; and not being afraid to take risks, to experiment and, of course, to learn. 

In addition, after doing extensive research, Ranker formulated what he considers to be the seven attributes that make up the global mindset and which, therefore, any leader should fully master. Take a look at them!

  1. Openness to learning
  2. Adapt to new cultures
  3. Manage different cultures
  4. No one correct way
  5. Interest and curiosity
  6. Proactive use of diversity
  7. Not bound by local

How to develop a truly global mindset

Following the definition given by Dr. Ranker, having a global mindset implies fostering an inclusive way of thinking and constant learning that pushes us to never stop exploring opportunities. Be proactive. Understanding that we live in a world with different societies and cultures and figuring out how to make the most of those differences. 

So then, how can you make your global mindset flourish? 

  • Don't be afraid to take risks. Open your mind and dare to step out of your comfort zone to discover what the world out there has in store for you. There is nothing more exciting (and interesting) than the unknown.
  • Explore, explore, and explore. If there is one thing we advocate at Schiller International University, it's hands-on or experiential learning, because we know that acquiring knowledge passively isn't enough, you need to seek it out and experience it for yourself.
  • Learn from others. Soak up other cultures and understand how they work. Enjoy and take advantage of everything that diversity has to offer.
  • Be willing to adapt. Because this is the only way you will be able to make the best political, economic, social, and business decisions.
  • Remember that there is no absolute truth. There is no universally correct way of doing things. We are all different. Cultures, markets, and even leadership styles are different. The key is to understand how to respond to the needs of each scenario.

Build a strong global mindset

Part of this growth process involves getting the right education. Learning about globality from your classroom desk isn't enough. You have to go out there and live globality for yourself, so that you can understand it and develop this quality that is already one of the most in-demand in all companies. 

At Schiller International University we know this and we work on developing all these qualities by always focusing on experiential learning, based on challenges with global companies, and by offering the unique opportunity to study in up to four different countries (the USA, Spain, Paris, and Germany). We want to push you to build a global mindset with a solid foundation, and to make those unique skills evolve with you.

Because we know that this is what will prepare you to be a good leader in the future. And our idea of education is one where the main objective is to have students achieve global success. 

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