What does international mean for school? | Schiller International University Skip to main content Skip to footer

What does international mean for school?

For schools and other educational institutions (universities, institutes, etc.)., the term "international" signifies a diverse and inclusive environment that welcomes students from different countries and cultural backgrounds. It means fostering a global perspective, promoting intercultural understanding, and offering educational opportunities that transcend borders. International schools often provide curricula that incorporate global perspectives, offer language programs, and create a multicultural learning environment. 

These institutions aim to prepare students to thrive in a globalized world by promoting cross-cultural communication, international collaboration, and a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity. Additionally, international schools may facilitate exchange programs, study abroad opportunities, and partnerships with educational institutions worldwide, further enhancing students' global experiences.

A perfect example of an international institution is Schiller International University. Fostering  the essence of a diverse and inclusive environment that embraces students from various countries and cultural backgrounds. By fostering a global perspective and promoting intercultural understanding, Schiller International University offers exceptional educational opportunities that transcend borders.

What are the benefits of attending an international school?

Attending an international school, no matter what educational level, offers numerous benefits. It provides exposure to diverse cultures, languages, and perspectives, fostering a globalized education and a broader worldview. Students also gain opportunities for international networking, developing valuable connections and friendships.

Additionally, it promotes the development of intercultural competences, language skills, and a deeper understanding of global issues, preparing students for success in an interconnected world. Overall, embracing an international education opens doors to a world of opportunities and prepares students for a future where global perspectives and skills are valued highly.

How does studying in an international school enhance career prospects?

  • It offers exposure to a multicultural environment, allowing students to develop cultural competences and the ability to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. This cultural intelligence is valued highly in today's globalized workforce.
  • It equips you with a global mindset, cross-cultural communication skills, and a deep understanding of international business practices. International perspective gained from studying in an international school gives graduates a competitive edge in the job market, broadening their career options and enhancing their prospects for success in an increasingly interconnected world.
  • It provides a globally-oriented curriculum that focuses on real-world challenges and encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This prepares students to tackle complex issues and adapt to a rapidly changing professional landscape.
  • It opens doors to a vast network of professionals and alumni from around the world. These connections can lead to internships, job opportunities, and mentorship programs, providing valuable industry insights and guidance.

The international exposure and diverse experiences gained in such schools are valued highly by employers, as it demonstrates adaptability, flexibility, and the ability to work effectively in multicultural environments. And it is a real booster of personal and professional development. 

What types of programs or activities are available in international schools?

International schools offer a wide range of programs and activities to enrich the educational experience. These may include language courses, cultural exchanges, study abroad programs, international competitions, and collaborations with partner schools around the world. Such activities promote global awareness, foster intercultural understanding, and encourage students' personal and academic growth.

At Schiller we not only have an exclusive program to boost the global employability of our students, but we also have four campuses located in strategic countries (Spain, USA, France, and Germany) and accredited dual* degrees (*ACCSC) to make our students' college years a genuinely international experience that will propel them to become the global professionals they desire and help them develop professionally however they want. 

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Schiller University partner for dual degrees: University of Roehampton London Logo
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